Add your company information


Your company information is required for Anrok to register and file returns for you across different jurisdictions. The information requested by Anrok reflects the information each jurisdiction requires a business or seller to provide for registration. 

Note CleanShot_2024-04-30_at_16.01.40_2x-removebg-preview.png

Different jurisdictions may have varying requirements, but it is common for them to keep a record of the individuals responsible for a business and any other pertinent details



Add company information

You can add your company information to Anrok which enables us to file US returns on your behalf. This allows Anrok to help you maintain sales tax compliance. 

Try adding company information in the demo above ☝️

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Settings. Take me there!
  2. At the top, click Add company information.
  3. Under General business, provide the following information, then click Save a continue:
    • Full business name
    • DBA (optional)
    • EIN
    • Business, mailing, and taxable address
    • Business phone number and email
    • NAICS code
  4. Under Registration information, provide the following information, then click Save a continue:
    • Legal entity type
    • State and date of incorporation
    • Registered agent name and address
  5. Under Officers, provide the following information, then click Save a continue:
    • Name and title
    • Percent ownership
    • Phone and email
    • Social security number
    • Date of birth
    • Address

      Tip CleanShot_2024-04-30_at_15.47.03_2x-removebg-preview.png

      Anrok only requires that you add one officer. This officer must be someone in the US-based selling entity who is authorized to sign and have their names on returns

  6. Under Bank account, click Add a bank account to select the bank Anrok will use for filing returns and remitting sales tax. See Link your bank account.
  7. When you are finished, click Submit.


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