Now that your company has finished onboarding onto the Anrok platform, we recognize that you might have inquiries about what areas to prioritize each time you log in. To assist you in maintaining sales tax compliance and safeguarding the overall health of your Anrok account, we've created the following checklist of items for you to review while using Anrok.
Account health checklist
This checklist can provide guidance on what to review every time you log into the Anrok platform:
Exposures |
Transactions | Backfill | Returns |
To comply with sales tax regulations and fulfill your tax collection duties as a business, it's crucial to thoroughly review and address the jurisdictions where your business operates. You can do so by checking the following: |
To maintain compliance with sales tax regulations and ensure the accuracy of your filed returns, it's essential your invoices are accurately recorded. You can do so by checking the following: |
Keeping records of your historical transactions and employee locations is crucial for maintaining an accurate picture of your exposures. You can do so by checking the following: |
Examining both upcoming filings and previously submitted returns is vital for implementing a successful tax review process. You can do so by checking the following: |
Additional resources for guidance
These articles can provide additional action items you can review when using the Anrok platform: