After importing your historical transactions into Anrok, you may encounter errors for transactions Anrok could not process successfully. To help you resolve these errors, we've outlined each type of error you can encounter when importing historical transactions.
Types of Errors
Please take a look at the errors we've identified below if you run into issues during this process, and use the information listed in the description to resolve them:
Anrok data field | Error message | Description |
amount ($) |
Unsupported currency for transaction amount. | Transactions were detected with a currency that is not yet supported in Anrok. Anrok supports most currencies, but there may be a few that are not currently supported. |
customer_id |
Missing field: customer ID is missing on a transaction. | Please ensure that all transactions have a customer ID associated with them |
Invalid format | This error occurs when a customer ID entered contains special characters. Make sure to remove common special characters like (), #, and *. | |
Missing field: customer ID is missing on a transaction, but the customer name is filled in. | Transaction detected with a customer name filled in without a customer ID associated with it. | |
customer_address_state |
Missing field: state in address. | Transaction detected with an address that does not have a state associated with it. Please add a state to the transaction's address to resolve this error. |
customer_address_country |
Missing field: state in address. | Transaction detected with an address that does not have a country associated with it. Please add a country to the transaction's address to resolve this error. |
customer_address_zip |
Address zip code not supported. | Transaction detected with a zip code Anrok does not currently support. Please update the zip code on the transaction to a format we support to resolve this error. |
date |
Time zone on transaction is not supported. | Transactions are detected with a timezone that is not yet supported in Anrok. We currently only support the following accounting timezone of a transaction - UTC, America/New York, America/Chicago, America/Denver, America/Los_Angeles , America/Anchorage, and Pacific/Honolulu. |
Tax date is greater than current day. | Transaction detected with a date greater than the current date. Anrok does not support transactions with a future date listed. Please update the date on the transaction so that we can successfully import it. | |
Time zone on transaction is missing and seller's time zone is also missing. | Transaction was detected without a time zone, and we were unable to detect your accounting time zone. Please assign a date to all transactions and/or to your profile. | |
Missing field: date. | Transaction detected without a date. Anrok does not support transactions without a valid date set. Please set a date to all transactions. | |
product_id |
Unrecognized product ID. | Transaction detected with a product ID we do not recognize. Please add the product ID and assign the correct taxability categories in Anrok to resolve this error. |
Archived product ID detected. | Transaction detected with a product ID that is currently archived. Please set a valid and active product ID to resolve this error. | |
Missing field: product ID. | Transaction detected with missing product ID. Please add a product ID to the transaction to resolve this error. | |
Invalid format | This error occurs when a product ID entered contains special characters. Make sure to remove common special characters like (), #, and *. | |
Invalid product ID. | Transaction detected with an invalid product ID. Please add a valid product ID to the transaction to resolve this error. | |
transaction_id |
One transaction ID detected on two or more transactions. | Two or more transactions detected with a matching transaction ID. Please only include the most updated version of the transaction to resolve this error. |
One transaction ID detected on two or more transactions and are not in consecutive lines. | Two or more transactions detected with a matching transaction ID and are not listed consecutively. If these are two versions of the same transaction, please include only the most updated version of the transaction to resolve this error. If these are two different products purchased for the same transaction, please ensure both transactions are listed next to one another in the CSV (such as sorting by CSV in your spreadsheet editor). | |
One transaction ID detected on two or more transactions, and has mismatching data. | Two or more transactions detected with a matching transaction ID and has mismatching data. Please include only the most updated version of the transaction to resolve this error. | |
Invalid format | This error occurs when a product ID entered contains special characters. Make sure to remove common special characters like (), #, and *. | |
Missing field: transaction ID is missing. |
Transaction detected without a transaction ID. Please update the transaction with the associated transaction ID to resolve this error. |
To learn more about Anrok's backfill process, please read What is a historical backfill?