SuiteTax multi-entity setup


If you have two or more legally distinct selling entities in a single NetSuite instance that require connection to multiple Anrok instances, please follow the steps below. Before starting these steps, please ensure you have multiple Anrok instances already provisioned, one for each legally distinct NetSuite selling entity. 


Step 1 - Create the Anrok integration record

  1. In the NetSuite app CleanShot 2023-07-28 at 16.20.15@2x.png, go to Customization  > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > New.
  2. Enter the following information: 
    • Name: Anrok Integration
    • ID: _anrok_integration
    • Access type: No Permissions Required for Internal Roles
    • Uncheck Include name field.
    • Click Save.
  3. Select the new Anrok Integration record from the Edit column. Click New Field to add the following new fields:
    • Subsidiary
      • Label: Subsidiary
      • ID: _subsidiary
      • Type: Free-Form Text
      • Click Save.
    • Secret name
      • Label: Secret name
      • ID: _secret_name
      • Type: Free-Form Text
      • Click Save.
    • Metadata
      • Label: Metadata
      • ID: _metadata
      • Type: Text Area
      • Click Save.

Step 2 - Create Anrok integration entries for each subsidiary

  1. In the NetSuite app CleanShot 2023-07-28 at 16.20.15@2x.png, go to Customization  > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.
  2. For each subsidiary that you would like to connect to Anrok, complete the following steps: 
    • Click New Record in the Anrok Integration row.
    • For subsidiary, provide the subsidiary internal ID that you would like to connect to Anrok. Example: 1
    • For secret name, use the naming format from the below example where the last digit of the name should be the subsidiary ID from the above step. Make sure to replace 1 with your actual subsidiary ID. Example: custsecret_anrok_api_token_1
    • Click Save.

Step 3 - Create an Anrok API key for each subsidiary

For each subsidiary that you would like to connect to Anrok, complete the following steps. Before generating the API key, make sure you are within the correct Anrok instance using the dropdown menu in the upper left of your Anrok account. Each subsidiary will have a different Anrok API key. 

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Data sources. Take me there!
  2. Under Integration sources, click the option menu button anrok_option_menu.png next to the NetSuite integration you would like to map to this subsidiary, then select Manage Anrok API key.
  3. Select Generate Anrok API key, then copy  anrok_copy.png  the API key.
  4. In the NetSuite app CleanShot 2023-07-28 at 16.20.15@2x.png, go to Setup > Company > API Secrets.
  5. Click Create New, then under the Details tab, enter the following information using subsidiary ID 1 as an example. You should replace 1 with your actual subsidiary ID in both the Name and ID fields:  
    • Name — enter Anrok API Token 1.
    • ID — enter _anrok_api_token_1.
    • Password — paste your Anrok API key.
  6. Navigate to the Restrictions tab, then complete the following:
    • Select the checkbox  CleanShot 2023-07-31 at 11.51.24@2x.png  next to Allow For All Scripts.
    • Select the checkbox  CleanShot 2023-07-31 at 11.51.24@2x.png  next to Allow For All Domains.
  7. When you are finished, click Save.
  8. Note: If you have any extra Anrok API keys from the initial setup that are not tied to a specific subsidiary, you should also delete those API Secrets in NetSuite you are no longer using. 

Step 4 - Configure Anrok SuiteTax for each subsidiary

  1. In the NetSuite app CleanShot 2023-07-28 at 16.20.15@2x.png, go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries.
  2. Click Edit next to a subsidiary that needs sales tax.
  3. Navigate to the Tax Registrations tab, then add a new row with the following information:
    • Country — select United States.
    • Nexus — select United States.
    • Tax Engine — select Anrok SuiteTax.
    • Effective From — select today’s date.
    • Click Add.
  4. If there are any additional tax registrations in the table for United States, edit each with the following information:
    • Tax Engine — select SuiteTax Engine.
    • Valid Until — select today’s date.
  5. When you are finished, click Save.

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