This guide outlines the process for linking your NetSuite account with Anrok using SuiteTax. This will allow you to automatically synchronize transactions and update sales tax to your NetSuite invoices.
The Anrok SuiteApp requires the installation of SuiteTax, the newest version of NetSuite's tax engine that all accounts will eventually transition to. If you're currently using LegacyTax, we recommend switching your account over. The NetSuite team can help you understand this impact and whether the switch will affect any additional features or services you're using currently.
Step 1
Enable NetSuite features
To begin the integration process between Anrok and NetSuite, you must first turn on the Server SuiteScript, Rest Web Service, and OAuth 2.0 features on your NetSuite account. These features will ensure that your Anrok account can communicate with your NetSuite account.
Try enabling NetSuite features in the demo above ☝️
- In the NetSuite app
, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.
- Navigate to the SuiteCloud tab, then complete the following:
- Under SuiteScript, click the checkbox
next to Server SuiteScript.
- Under SuiteTalk (Web Services), click the checkbox
next to Rest Web Service.
- Under Manage Authentication, click the checkbox
next to OAuth 2.0.
- Under SuiteScript, click the checkbox
- When you are finished, click Save.
Step 2
Install and enable NetSuite SuiteTax
Before installing and enabling the Anrok SuiteApp as a tax engine, you must first install and enable SuiteTax (the newest version of NetSuite's tax engine).
Try installing and enabling NetSuite SuiteTax in the demo above ☝️
- In the NetSuite app
, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.
- Navigate to the Tax tab, then under Related SuiteApps, complete the following:
- Select SuiteTax Engine, then click Install.
- Select SuiteTax Data Record, then click Install.
- Select SuiteTax Report, then click Install.
- Go to Customization > Plug-ins > Manage Plug-ins.
- Under Tax Calculation, select the checkbox
next to SuiteTax Engine.
- When finished click, click Save.
Step 3
Install and enable Anrok SuiteTax
Once you've installed SuiteTax, you can now install the Anrok SuiteApp and enable Anrok SuiteTax. This ensures Anrok can be used as a tax engine for your NetSuite transactions.
Try installing and enabling Anrok SuiteTax in the demo above ☝️
- In the NetSuite app
, go to SuiteApps.
- In the search bar, enter
. - Select Anrok, then click Install.
- Go to Customization > Plug-ins > Manage Plug-ins.
- Under Tax Calculation, select the checkbox next to Anrok SuiteTax.
- When you are finished, click Save.
Step 4
Create Sales Tax Payable and Receivable accounts
SuiteTax requires a tax agency nexus when adding sales tax to a transaction. To create a tax agency nexus, you must first create sales tax payable and receivable accounts to assign the nexus to.
Tax collected on transactions will always appear in the payable account.
Try creating Sales Tax Payable and Receivable accounts in the demo above ☝️
- In the NetSuite app
, go to Lists > Accounting > Accounts.
- Click New, then enter the following information:
Name — enter
Sales Tax Payable United States
. - Number — enter a number that aligns with your numbering system.
- Type — select Other Current Liability.
- Subsidiaries — select all that apply.
Name — enter
- Click the Drop-down button
next to Save, select Save & New, then enter the following information:
Name — enter
Sales Tax Receivable United States
. - Number — enter a number that aligns with your numbering system.
- Type — select Other Current Asset.
- Subsidiaries — select all that apply.
Name — enter
- When you are finished, click Save.
Step 5
Create a tax agency nexus
SuiteTax requires a tax agency nexus when adding sales tax to a transaction. To ensure that Anrok maps to the correct tax agency nexus, you are required to create a United States tax agency nexus and provide it to Anrok during the integration process.
In NetSuite, a nexus is a tax jurisdiction where you have a business or taxable presence in. In NetSuite, it is usually defined at the country level. This type of entity is available when the Advanced Taxes feature is enabled to allow users to manage and calculate taxes for different jurisdictions within the same NetSuite account.
Try creating a Tax Agency USA nexus in the demo above ☝️
- In the NetSuite app
, go to Setup > Tax > Nexuses.
- Click New Nexus, then enter the following information:
- Country — select United States.
- State/Province/County — leave this blank.
- Parent Nexus — leave this blank.
Description — enter
United States
- Next to Tax Agency, click the Plus button
, then enter the following information:
- Type — select Company (if not already selected).
Company Name — enter
Tax Agency USA
. - Primary Subsidiary — select Parent Company.
- When you are finished, click Save.
Step 6
Configure a tax type
SuiteTax requires a tax type when adding sales tax to a transaction. To ensure that Anrok maps to the correct tax type, you must create a United States tax type and provide it to Anrok during the integration process.
Try configuring a tax type in the demo above ☝️
- In the NetSuite app
, go to Setup > Tax > Tax Types.
- Click New Tax Type, then enter the following information:
- Country — select United States.
Name — enter
. - Nexus — select United States.
- Payables Account — select Sales Tax Payable United States.
- Receivables Account — select Sales Tax Expense United States.
- When you are finished, click Save.
- Locate the US_STATE_SALES tax type you've created, then click Edit.
- In the URL, record the taxation type’s ID. It will look like the green text in the following example:
Step 7
Configure a tax code
SuiteTax requires a tax code when adding sales tax to a transaction. To ensure that Anrok maps to the correct tax code, you are required to create a United States tax code and provide it to Anrok during the integration process.
Try configuring a tax code in the demo above ☝️
- In the NetSuite app
, go to Setup > Tax > Tax Codes.
- Click New Tax Code, then enter the following information:
Name — enter
. - Type — select US_STATE_SALES.
Name — enter
- When you are finished, click Save.
- Locate the US_STATE_SALES tax code you've created, then click Edit.
- In the URL, record the tax code’s ID. It will look like the green text in the following example:
Step 8
Generate an Anrok certificate
The first step of integrating with NetSuite will be connecting directly to your account within Anrok. During this process, you must align your accounting time zone and generate an Anrok certificate to map into Netsuite.
Try generating an Anrok certificate in the demo above ☝️
In the Anrok app
, go to Data sources. Take me there!
- Select Integrate system, then under Accounting time zone, select the time zone that matches your NetSuite account (or select UTC if you don't know which time zone to select).
- Under Data source, select NetSuite, then click Generate Certificate and save the certificate file locally.
After generating the certificate, do not close this page. The certificate requires an ongoing connection to the Anrok server when completing the NetSuite OAuth integration.
Step 9
Create Integration Records for Applications
Once you've generated an Anrok certificate, you will need to create an integration records for application. This will allow Anrok to connect to the Customer Key/Client ID generated to complete the integration.
Try creating Integration Records for Applications in the demo above ☝️
- In the NetSuite app
, go to Setup > Integration > Manage integrations > New.
Under Integration, complete the following information:
- Name — enter
Anrok client credentials oauth application
. - Under Token-based Authentication, deselect all checkboxes.
- Under Oauth 2.0, click the checkbox
next to Client Credential (Machine to Machine) Grant. Deselect any other checkboxes.
- Under Scope, click the checkboxes
next to Restlets, Rest Web Services, and SuiteAnalytics Connect.
- Name — enter
- When you are finished, click Save.
- Under Client Credentials, record the Consumer Key/Client ID.
After closing this page, you will not be able to view the Customer Key/Client ID again. To access a new Customer Key/Client ID, click Reset Credentials.
Step 10
Create a mapping for the machine-to-machine client credential
After you've created an integration records for application, you will next need to create a mapping for the machine-to-machine client credential. This will ensure Anrok is able to recieve important transaction and product updates from NetSuite.
Try creating a mapping for the machine-to-machine client credential in the demo above ☝️
- In the NetSuite app
, go to Setup > Integration > OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials (M2M) Setup.
- Click Create New, then complete the following:
- Entity — select the appropriate entity.
- Role — select the appropriate role.
Application — select
Anrok client credentials oauth application
. - Certificate — choose the certificate generated in Anrok.
- When you are finished, click Save.
- Record the Certificate ID.
Step 11
Connect to NetSuite
Once you've create a mapping for the machine-to-machine client credential, you can then input the information required to connect Anrok to NetSuite.
Try connecting with NetSuite in the demo above ☝️
In the Anrok app
, resume on Data sources. Take me there!
Enter your Tax code ID, Taxation type ID, Company account ID, Consumer Key/Client ID, and Certificate ID. Your Company account ID can be located in your NetSuite accounts URL as the subdomain. It will look like the green text in the following example:
. If your Company account ID has a hyphen character -, you must replace that hyphen with an underscore _ character. - When you are finished, click Connect.
Step 12
Add your NetSuite products as product IDs
In Anrok, your NetSuite products will be called product IDsProduct ID
They describe the specific product or service that was sold to your customer. Product IDs are passed to Anrok from your billing system as the product(s) you are including on the invoice.
Each product ID you sell must be mapped to a corresponding tax configuration in Anrok, which signals what taxability ruleset to apply to the product.. These product IDs are the key drivers for calculating taxability. It's important that you add your current and previous NetSuite products into Anrok. See What are product IDs?
Try adding your NetSuite products in the demo above ☝️
- Under New products detected, select a corresponding Product type and Tax category for each product detected. See What tax configuration should I select?
If you'd like to assign a Product type and Tax category to multiple products at once, click the checkbox
next to each product, then select Batch assign.
- When you are finished, scroll down and click Continue.
Step 13
Import your NetSuite transactions
Now that you've assigned all of your product IDs, you can begin importing your historical transaction from NetSuite into Anrok.
Try importing your NetSuite transactions in the demo above ☝️
Under Select transactions to import, select one of the following options:
- Import all past transactions — all transactions will be imported into Anrok. This will result in a complete picture of your economic nexus exposure.
- Import transactions from a specific date — some past transactions will not be imported into Anrok. This may result in an incomplete picture of your economic nexus exposure to date.
- Continue without importing past transactions — none of your historical transactions will be imported into Anrok. This may result in an incomplete picture of your economic nexus exposure.
- Select Import transactions (or Mark as finished depending on your previous selection).
- When your transactions have finished importing, select Mark complete.
Step 14
Generate an Anrok API key
To enable NetSuite and Anrok to communicate effectively and send live transaction data, you must create an Anrok API secret in NetSuite. As part of the setup, they will request your Anrok API key.
Try generating an Anrok API key in the demo above ☝️
In the Anrok app
, go to Data sources. Take me there!
Under Integration sources, click the option menu button
next to NetSuite, then select Manage Anrok API key.
Select Generate Anrok API key, then copy
the API key.
- When you are finished, click Done.
Step 15
Create an Anrok API secret
NetSuite requires an Anrok API secret to authenticate its communication with Anrok and send live transaction data. This prevents users outside of your NetSuite instance from adding unauthorized transactions to your Anrok account.
Try creating an Anrok API secret in the demo above ☝️
- In the NetSuite app
, go to Setup > Company > API Secrets.
- Click Create New, then under the Details tab, enter the following information:
Name — enter
Anrok API Token
. -
ID — enter
. - Password — paste your Anrok API key.
Name — enter
- Navigate to the Restrictions tab, then complete the following:
- Select the checkbox
next to Allow For All Scripts.
- Select the checkbox
next to Allow For All Domains.
- Select the checkbox
- When you are finished, click Save.
Step 16
Assign SuiteTax to each nexus
SuiteTax requires you to assign a tax engine to every nexus configured on your NetSuite account. This ensures NetSuite knows which tax engine to use for each nexus. During this process, the United States nexus should be assigned to Anrok SuiteTax. All other existing nexuses should be assigned to SuiteTax.
Try assigning SuiteTax to each nexus in the demo above ☝️
- In the NetSuite app
, go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries.
- Click Edit next to a subsidiary that needs sales tax.
- Navigate to the Tax Registrations tab, then add a new row with the following information:
- Country — select United States.
- Nexus — select United States.
- Tax Engine — select Anrok SuiteTax.
- Effective From — select today’s date.
- Click Add.
- If there are any additional tax registrations in the table for United States, edit each with the following information:
- Tax Engine — select SuiteTax Engine.
- Valid Until — select today’s date.
- When you are finished, click Save.
Before you begin creating and editing invoices, you must ensure your NetSuite account has been properly configured for tax calculation. Check out how to configure your NetSuite account.