If you recently received your first monthly Anrok fee, you may have questions about how it is calculated. Let's review how Anrok calculates your fee together and answer some commonly asked questions.
Anrok strives to provide transparent pricing to our customers. You can view all of your monthly Anrok fee payments on the Billing page. You can review our pricing model and sales tax at
Monthly usage fee calculation
Anrok built its monthly pricing model to be completely transparent. Your monthly Anrok fee is comprised of two components:
- Monthly flat fee — The monthly flat fee you are expected to pay each month. The pricing for your monthly flat fee will depend on your current Anrok plan.
- Basis points (BPS) — The cost of Anrok's services is based on your amount of billable transactions. Each BPS on your Anrok plan represents 0.01% of your billable transactions. Your BPS per billable transaction will depend on your current Anrok plan.
For example, let's say you are on the Core plan, which has a monthly flat fee of $999, plus 30 BPS per billable transaction (i.e, 0.3% of your billable transactions). If you had $100,000 in billable transactions in December, your usage fee in January would include $300 in BPS. Therefore, your final Anrok fee would be the following:
Your Anrok monthly fee is calculated and charged on the second week of the month based on the previous month's billable transactions. Anrok will debit the bank account you entered into your Settings page under the "Bank account" tab. This debit will include your monthly Anrok fee and sales tax due on your Anrok fee.
Monthly Anrok fee FAQs
We understand you may have questions related to how Anrok calculates your monthly Anrok fee. Many of these questions are common, so let's work through some of these commonly asked questions together:
How do billable transactions work for U.S. transactions?For U.S. transactions, a transaction is billable based on the taxability of the products purchased, not the taxability of the customer making the purchase. If a customer purchases a non-taxable product, the purchase of this product will not count toward your billable transactions. If a tax-exempt customer purchases a taxable product, the purchase of this product will still count toward your billable transactions. For example, let's say you have a $110,000 transaction, and the customer purchased a $100,000 taxable product and a $10,000 non-taxable product. In this case, only $100,000 of this transaction will count towards your billable transactions. If the customer were tax-exempt, $100,000 would still count towards your billable transactions since Anrok bases transaction taxability on the products purchased, not the customer making the purchase. Please note that Anrok will begin counting transactions towards your billable transactions based on the Tax calculation start date of a |
How do billable transactions work for international transactions?For international transactions, a transaction is billable based on the VRN validation or Tax calculation start date (depending on which date is earliest). If a customer makes a purchase before a jurisdiction's earliest VRN validation or Tax calculation start date, the transaction will not count toward your billable transactions. If a customer makes a purchase after the jurisdiction's earliest VRN validation or Tax calculation start date, the transaction will count towards your billable transactions. For example, let's say you had a transaction that occurred in Ireland on April 5, 2020. In the EU OSS jurisdiction, your Tax calculation start date is Jan 1, 2023, but your VRN validation start date is Jan 1, 2015. In this case, the earliest start date would be your VRN validation start date. Since this transaction occurred after your VRN validation start date, the transaction will count toward your billable transactions. |
What additional fees can appear on my Anrok receipt?In addition to your Anrok platform fee, you may also see additional pass-through fees on your bill due to registration fees from the jurisdiction. The registration fee represents the cost to apply for registration within the jurisdiction and is paid directly to the jurisdiction. On your receipt, Anrok will break down each registration fee based on the jurisdiction from which it was acquired.
How do I change the bank account debited?If your bank account information has changed or you would prefer to use a different bank account moving forward, we recommend immediately updating your account details to ensure a smooth transaction process between you and Anrok. See Change your bank account. |