Best practices for reviewing filed returns


Once a return has been filed by Anrok and received by the jurisdiction, it will have a filed_status_anrok.png status. From here, you will be able to review the finalized return. An essential part of this review process is examining differences between amounts collected from customers for tax and the amounts ultimately due and payable to a jurisdiction. The most common reasons for these variances are:

  • RoundingAlthough you collect to the nearest cent, many jurisdictions round their returns to the nearest dollar. Accordingly, there may be rounding differences of up to several dollars, especially in jurisdictions with significant local jurisdiction-level taxes.
  • Filing DiscountsSeveral jurisdictions offer an incentive to taxpayers for timely filing. Depending on the jurisdiction, these discounts may range anywhere from a few dollars to several hundred.
  • Credits/Advanced Payments — If you made an advanced payment or had a return/credit generated on a prior return that did not offset additional tax dues, you may have a credit carry forward. Anrok applies any negative balances from a previous return to the next positive return as a credit.
  • Penalty & Interest — If Anrok is filing historic or late returns, the state will calculate and apply penalties and interest at the time of filing.
  • AdjustmentsAnrok will note and apply adjustments (e.g. Washington B&O) to the return's payment amount when applicable.

When comparing returns to your general ledger, you can use Anrok's Reconciliation page to take advantage of our return and tax balance reconciliation tools. See Reconcile your returns and Reconcile your tax balances.



Review a filed return

You can review a filed return to compare the tax due on the return with the payment amount made to the jurisdiction.

Try reviewing a filed return in the demo above ☝️

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Returns & payments. Take me there!
  2. Select the All tab, then select a return with a filed_status_anrok.png status.
  3. Under Filing record, review the following details:
    • Tax due
    • Payment amount
    • Adjustments
    • Advanced payments
    • State discounts
    • Penalties and interests
  4. Under Notes, record any notes provided by our tax team (i.e. credit carry forward, confirmation number, etc.)
  5. Click Registration site to review the return on your jurisdiction-specific sales tax account. 
  6. Select Print to save the return details as a document for your records. 

Note CleanShot_2024-04-30_at_16.01.40_2x-removebg-preview.png

If the Print option is unavailable, the jurisdiction is likely still processing the return on their end. Depending on the jurisdiction, it can take up to 14 days for an authority to finalize a filed return externally.

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