Once your registration is officially complete, the jurisdiction will move from a status to a
status, meaning you must collect sales tax and file with the jurisdiction. In Anrok, you can check the completed registration to review its tax calculation date, collection method, filing frequency, and registration or tax ID. You can also review what products in your product catalog are taxable in the jurisdiction.
When applicable, our Registrations team will put notes detailing the jurisdiction's sales tax account information. Adding these notes ensures you can readily assess your newly created sales tax account.
Review a completed registration
You can review your newly completed registration to review important jurisdiction details. You can also check product taxability and view essential notes.
Try reviewing a completed registration in the demo above ☝️
In the Anrok app
, go to Jurisdictions. Take me there!
Select the Remitting tab, then select the newly
Under Jurisdiction details, review the following details:
- Tax calculation start date
- Tax collection method
- Registration or tax ID
- Filing frequency
- First registration date
- Under Notes, review any notes provided by our Registrations team (i.e., your sales tax account username and password).
- Under Product taxabilities, review which products in your product catalog are taxable in the jurisdiction.