
Once you’ve integrated Anrok & and configured your account, we understand you may encounter situations you haven't experienced before — which can bring about a few questions. Don't worry, many of these situations are completely normal your first time using the integration flow, so let's work through some of these commonly asked questions together.

Why is there a delay in tax being updated on my open invoices?

Due to external limitations, the Anrok integration with uses polling to periodically import new transactions into Anrok and update tax amounts in for relevant invoices. Because of this integration structure, you may notice minor delays in taxes being updated on your open invoices. The delay in tax being added should generally be under 30 minutes; if you see otherwise, feel free to contact so we can confirm the integration is working as expected for your account. 

Why am I receiving an "Unknown product ID" error on my Unprocessed Transactions page?

This error occurs when Anrok receives a product that does not have a corresponding Anrok product ID. For Anrok to calculate tax on an item in your invoice, you will need to configure the item as a product ID in Anrok. Doing so ensures that the correct tax rate and taxability is applied to the item — based on the configured product type and tax category. To configure a product into Anrok as a product ID:

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Data sources. Take me there!
  2. Under Integration sources, click the options menu button anrok_option_menu.png next to, then select Configure new products.
  3. Under New products detected, select a corresponding Product type and Tax category for each product detected. See What tax configuration should I select?
  4. If you'd like to assign a Product type and Tax category to multiple products at once, click the checkbox  anrok_checkbox.png  next to each product, then select Batch assign.
  5. When you are finished, scroll down and click Add products.

How does Anrok process's credit memos?

Anrok's integration assesses taxability for your transactions by taking into account Credit Memos. The following is intended as a guide to help you understand the tax implications of applying them. 

Credit Memos Credit Memos are treated as separate transactions from original invoices, and they will be reflected in Anrok in the same way. Line items will indicate the original items that are being credited or refunded, so it's important to include the relevant products so that Anrok knows how the tax amount collected originally should be adjusted.

Anrok essentially treats credits as negative invoices and will respond accordingly by adding negative tax amounts as a distinct line item. For this reason, Credit notes/memos are a required way of recording credits/refunds.

Why is my invoice's tax amount showing as $0.00 in

1. See if you've saved the invoice yet.

For Anrok to calculate sales tax, the invoice must first be sent to Anrok. The invoice is sent to Anrok immediately after you click Save at the bottom of your invoice. For this reason, before you save the invoice, the calculated tax amount will be shown as $0.00. The tax calculation will be displayed after you save and reloaded the invoice.


Once the invoice has been sent to Anrok, it will appear on your Transactions page — along with the customer and product/service information, the calculated tax amount, and the jurisdiction's return period.

2. Check if the accounting date is before the jurisdiction's tax collection start date.


If you've confirmed that the invoice has been saved and is present on your Transactions page, there is a chance that the accounting date listed is before your tax collection date. To check a jurisdictions tax collection start date:

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Jurisdictions. Take me there!
  2. Select the Remitting tab, then select the jurisdiction.
  3. Under Jurisdiction details, review the tax calculation state date. 


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