Manage your reports


Anrok's Reports page provides a centralized platform for accessing all of your Anrok reporting capabilities. This comprehensive hub offers an array of export options, simplifying the process of generating multiple types of reports in a single location.

The ability to quickly export various reports within Anork is essential for financial analysis, decision-making, and hearing tax and legal obligations within your organization.



Exposure monitoring reports

Anrok lets you see how growing sales affect your liability and quickly take action. By monitoring your jurisdiction exposure, you can ensure that you fully understand your business's tax obligations and meet tax compliance requirements.

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  • View exposure and enable tax services — View exposure based on where you sell and see where you may be obligated to register and begin collecting tax. See Monitor your jurisdictions nexus status.
  • Analyze exposure risk — Use the exposure modeling tool to review your exposed sales and model different growth scenarios to understand potential tax risk. See Review jurisdiction exposure.
  • Maintain product taxabilities — Review your product tax configurations to maximize the accuracy of your exposure case study. See Set up your product IDs.



Transaction reports

Exporting a report of your transactions is essential for maintaining financial transparency, optimizing cash flow, and making informed business decisions about maintaining tax compliance. Anrok’s transaction export tools enable you to analyze your transactions and balances readily at a moment's notice.

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On the Reports page, you can review the following types of transaction reports:

Transactions report

Export your transactions

You can export a report of transactions currently recorded in Anrok to review each transaction’s sales amount, tax amount, customer details, and more. This can often help you understand your sales tax liabilities for remitting jurisdictions.

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Reports. Take me there!
  2. Under View or export data, next to Transactions report, click Export.
  3. Select a start date and end date.
  4. If required, filter by jurisdiction and VRN validation status. See Enable VRN validation in global jurisdictions.
  5. Click Export, then review the exported transactions CSV file.



Export line item and jurisdiction details

You can export a report that breaks down each transaction's line items and jurisdiction details. This report can often be helpful for a thorough VDA submission within a jurisdiction.

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Reports. Take me there!
  2. Under View or export data, next to Transactions report, click Export.
  3. Select a start date and end date.
  4. If required, filter by jurisdiction and VRN validation status. See Enable VRN validation in global jurisdictions.
  5. Click the checkbox  anrok_checkbox.png  next to Export line items and jurisdiction details.
  6. Click Export, then review the exported line item, jurisdiction details, and transactions CSV files.

Balances report

Export balances in period

You can export your balances within a specified period to view each jurisdiction's beginning and ending balances. This can be a great backup for journal entries needed for general ledger reconciliation.

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Reports. Take me there!
  2. Under View or export data, next to Balances report, click Export.
  3. Select a start date and end date, then click Generate report.
  4. On the exported CSV file, under the Beginning balance and Ending balance columns, compare their amounts for each jurisdiction.

For more information on reconciling your tax balances in Anrok, see Reconcile your tax balances.

Unprocessed transactions report

Export your unprocessed transactions

You can export a report of unprocessed transactions that could not be recorded in Anrok. This can help you review the types of errors your transactions encountered to determine the best action to resolve them.

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Reports. Take me there!
  2. Under View or export data, next to Unprocessed transactions report, click Export.
  3. Select a start date and end date.
  4. If required, filter by jurisdiction, transaction account, error type, and data source. See Resolve unprocessed transactions.
  5. Click Generate report, then review the exported unprocessed transactions CSV file.

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The Balances report and line item & jurisdiction details export tool are enterprise features available on Anrok’s Growth plans. Please contact to upgrade and unlock the full suite of pre-built reports.



Return and payment reports

Exporting a report of your returns and payments is essential for maintaining transparency between your general ledger and the amounts debited from your bank account. Anrok’s return tools can enable smoother reconciliation between your accounts.

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On the Reports page, you can review the following types of returns and payment reports:

Returns summary report

Export returns in period

You can export your returns within a specified period to view and compare the tax due to the payment amount across all jurisdictions. Exporting returns can be an excellent backup for evaluating differences between your general ledger’s actual and expected balances.

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Reports. Take me there! 
  2. Under View or export data, next to Returns summary report, click Export.
  3. Select a start date and end date.
  4. If required, filter by a specific remitting_status_anrok.png or exposed_status_anrok.png jurisdiction.
  5. Click Generate report.
  6. On the exported CSV file, under the Tax due and Payment amount columns, compare their amounts for each return filed.

For more information on reconciling your returns in Anrok, see Reconcile your returns.

Return details report

Export your return details

You can export a return's details to see the local jurisdictions where tax was due and the transactions included on the return. This allows you to record each return's applicable jurisdictions and transactions. Exporting a return's details is critical for reconciling transactions to your returns and gaining a deeper understanding of your return payments.

On the Reports page, click Go to Returns & payments to review your return details. See Export your return details.

Anrok billing statements

Review your billing statements

You can review a billing statement for an Anrok fee to see your usage fee, sales tax, and amount paid via ACH debit. You can also keep a record of your Anrok fees for reporting purposes. The ability to quickly review an Anrok fee's billing statement is important for accuracy verification, budget allocation, and overall financial transparency.

On the Reports page, click Go to billing to review your Anrok fee payments. See Review your billing statements.

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The Returns summary report is an enterprise feature available on Anrok’s Growth plans. Please contact to upgrade and unlock the full suite of pre-built reports.

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