Manage your email notifications


Editing your email notifications in Anrok allows you to personalize the types of critical notifications Anrok sends to your email. Taking proactive steps to update your email notifications will enable you to tailor the notifications you receive to your role.



Edit your email notifications

You can quickly change your Anrok account's email notification preferences whenever you need to adjust the types of important emails you receive from Anrok.

Note CleanShot_2024-04-30_at_16.01.40_2x-removebg-preview.png

The email notification changes made will only impact your user account and will not apply to all users on your account.

Try editing your email notifications in the demo above ☝️

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Settings. Take me there!
  2. Select the Notifications tab.
  3. Under Personalized email notifications, click the toggle  CleanShot 2024-09-16 at 11.21.18@2x.png  next to the notification you want to enable/disable. You can personalize the following types of notifications:
    • Exposures
    • Filings
    • Products (Product IDs)
    • Customer tax details (VRN)

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