Export exposed transactions


You can export your exposed transactions within a remitting or non-remitting jurisdiction using the Exposure modeling page. Exporting exposed transactions can be helpful when you are looking to collect tax from a customer’s historically exposed transaction to reduce your exposure liability risk. You can also utilize this export as the basis for your VDA submission within a jurisdiction.

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The Exposure Modeling page is for modeling purposes only, and will not impact how Anrok calculates your tax due. The Exposure export tool is a premium feature available on Anrok’s Core and Growth plans. Please contact hello@anrok.com to upgrade and unlock modeling capabilities.



Export a jurisdiction's exposed transactions

You can export your exposed transactions in a jurisdiction to see the estimated tax owed for each transaction.

Try exporting your exposed transactions in the demo above ☝️

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Exposure modeling. Take me there!
  2. Navigate to an exposed_status_anrok.png, approaching_status_anrok.png, or remitting_status_anrok.png jurisdiction. 
  3. Scroll to the right and click the Options Menu button anrok_option_menu.png, then select Export exposed transactions.
  4. On the exported CSV file, under the Tax exposure column, review the estimated remaining tax exposure for each transaction.

Note CleanShot_2024-04-30_at_16.01.40_2x-removebg-preview.png

Anrok will export transactions in the jurisdiction’s currency code based on the conversion rate at the time of purchase.

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