Integrate Anrok & Xero


This guide outlines the process for linking your Xero account with Anrok. This will allow you to automatically synchronize transactions and update sales tax to your Xero invoices.

Click here to take a look at how the Anrok & Xero integration works

Integration architecture

From a high-level perspective, Anrok is a tool used to determine the taxability of a transaction and appends the local sales tax rate to the transaction if applicable. In addition, the platform helps track nexus exposure by aggregating all transactions in a given jurisdiction and comparing them against the relevant state thresholds. Other benefits include managing registration, returns, and remittance.

The diagrams below depict the key Anrok integration touchpoints in a typical transaction.

Transaction example


  1. Invoice creation: the billing team creates and saves an invoice in Xero. 
  2. Calculate and record tax: Xero notifies Anrok of the updated invoice and sends all relevant information for tax calculation - including the products sold and customer address. Anrok calculates the relevant tax amount and updates the Xero invoice using the Xero API. You can continue to update items on the invoice and tax will be updated accordingly in both Xero and Anrok.
  3. Payment: sellers are required to remit sales tax to a state upon invoice, not receipt of payment. Anrok is not in the integration flow of payment.


Below is a checklist of steps that should be followed during the Anrok integration process.

  • Provide Anrok with the Product IDs.
  • Test the integration in the Xero test environment.



Step 1

Connect to your Xero account

The first step of integrating with Xero will be connected directly to your account within Anrok. During this process, you must align your accounting time zone and provide the credentials associated with your Xero account.

Try connecting to Xero in the demo above ☝️

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Data sources. Take me there!
  2. Select Integrate system, then under Accounting time zoneselect the time zone that matches your Xero account (or select UTC if you don't know which time zone to select).
  3. Under Data source, select Xero.
  4. Click Connect to Xero, then sign in with your Xero credentials and complete the two-factor authentication.
  5. Select the organization you’d like to connect to Anrok, then click Allow access.
  6. Once you see "anrok_connect_checkmark.png You are now logged into Xero”, click Connect.



Step 2

Add your Xero items as product IDs

In Anrok, your Xero items will be called product IDsProduct ID
They describe the specific product or service that was sold to your customer. Product IDs are passed to Anrok from your billing system as the product(s) you are including on the invoice.
CleanShot 2023-08-17 at 11.17.48@2x.png
Each product ID you sell must be mapped to a corresponding tax configuration in Anrok, which signals what taxability ruleset to apply to the product.
. These product IDs are the key drivers for calculating taxability. It's important that you add your current and previous Xero products into Anrok. See What are product IDs?

Try adding your Xero items in the demo above ☝️

  1. Under New products detected, select a corresponding Product type and Tax category for each product detected. See Select a tax configuration.
  2. If you'd like to assign a Product type and Tax category to multiple products at once, click the checkbox  anrok_checkbox.png  next to each product, then select Batch assign.
  3. When you are finished, scroll down and click Add products.



Step 3

Import your Xero transactions

Now that you've assigned all of your product IDsProduct ID
They describe the specific product or service that was sold to your customer. Product IDs are passed to Anrok from your billing system as the product(s) you are including on the invoice.
CleanShot 2023-08-17 at 11.17.48@2x.png
Each product ID you sell must be mapped to a corresponding tax configuration in Anrok, which signals what taxability ruleset to apply to the product.
, you can now begin importing your historical transaction from Xero into Anrok.

Try importing your Xero transactions in the demo above ☝️

  1. Under Select transactions to import, select one of the following options:
    • Import all past transactions — all transactions will be imported into Anrok. This will result in a complete picture of your economic nexus exposure.
    • Import transactions from a specific date — some past transactions will not be imported into Anrok. This may result in an incomplete picture of your current economic nexus exposure.
    • Continue without importing past transactions — none of your historical transactions will be imported into Anrok. This may result in an incomplete picture of your economic nexus exposure.
  2. Select Import transactions (or Mark as finished depending on your previous selection).
  3. When your transactions have finished importing, select Mark complete.


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Before you begin creating and editing invoices, you must ensure your Xero account has been properly configured for tax calculation. Check out how to configure your Xero account.

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