Hello and welcome to the Anrok/Sage Intacct integration guide. This guide outlines the configuration process for enabling Anrok to process your Sage Intacct transactions. The resulting integration will automatically synchronize transactions and update sales tax on your invoices in Sage Intacct.
Note: As you work through the steps below, we will ask you to note down informations. Please make sure to note them down, as you will need those info to successfully integrate Sage Intacct with Anrok
The Anrok/Sage integration utilizes the Platform Services and Web Services extension. Before you can integrate, these must be enabled on your Sage Intacct account.
- Log into Sage Intacct.
- Navigate to "Company" -> "Admin" -> "Subscriptions".
- Find "Platform Services" and enable.
- Find "Web Services" and enable.
If Platform Services cannot be enabled or is not available as an extension, please reach out to Sage Intacct Customer Support to enable the feature on your account.
Step 1 - Give Anrok Permission for Sage Intacct Web Service
- Log into Sage Intacct.
- In the menu, go to the "Company" tab and click on the "Setup" subtab. Click on "Company" under the "Configuration" section:
- Go to the "Security" tab and click on edit:
- Scroll down to the "Web Services authorization section", and click on "add".
- Fill out the form exactly as follows and click on "save".
- Click on "save" to save your update to the company info.
[Things to note down]
- There's nothing to note down for this section. Congrats and let's go to the next step!
Step 2 - Create Queue Object
- In the main menu, go to the "Platform Service" tab and click on the 'Application' button under the "Platform tools" section.
- Find the "Custom Applications" section and click on "Install from xml"
- Download the xml file from the attachment section at the end of the article and upload it. Then click "Install"
- You will see a message showing that the install went well. Please reach out to if you see an issue in the message. Finish by clicking on "Done".
Step 3 - Create Smart Events
Part 1: Create a smart event for invoices
- In the main menu, go to the "Platform Service" tab and click on the plus button to the left of "Smart Events":
- Click "Add"
- Choose "Order Entry transaction" for Owner object. Choose "Sales Invoice", "Contract Invoice" and "Credit Memo"for Document Type:
- Click the "Next" button on the upper right to go to the next step. In this page:
- For "Action", choose "API"
- In "Events", choose everything
- Leave the "Condition" section blank
- Click the "Next" button on the upper right to go to the next step. In this page:
- In the API body section, copy and paste this:
- In the API body section, copy and paste this:
- Check the box on "Synchronous smart event"
- Click the "Next" to go to the next section. In this section, put "ANROK_INVOICE_EVENTS" in "Smart Link ID" and click "Done".
- Congrats! You finished this step!
Part 2: Create a smart event for customer update
This part is very very similar to the last part. The difference is that this part allows Anrok to be notified when you update the tax ID of a customer, so that Anrok can updates the invoices for that customer if needed.
- In the main menu, go to the "Platform Service" tab and click on the plus button to the left of "Smart Events":
- Choose "Customer" for Owner object.
- Click the "Next" button on the upper right to go to the next step. In this page:
- For "Action", choose "API"
- In "Events", only choose "Set"
- Leave the "Condition" section blank
- Click the "Next" button on the upper right to go to the next step. In this page:
- In the API body section, copy and paste this:
- In the API body section, copy and paste this:
- Check the box on "Synchronous smart event"
- Click the "Next" to go to the next section. In this section, put "ANROK_CUSTOMER_EVENTS" in "Smart Link ID" and click "Done".
- Congrats! You finished this step!
[Things to note down]
- There's nothing to note down for this section. Congrats and let's go to the next step!
Step 4 - Note Down You Sage Intacct User ID/Password
In order for Anrok to be able to process your transactions, Anrok needs your Sage Intacct user ID and Password. We recommend that you create a new web service user in Sage Intacct to manage access control.
Part 1: Create a role for managing access.
1. In the main menu, go to the "Company" tab. Go to the "Admin" subtab. Click on the plus button to the left of "Roles".
2. For "Name", put "Anrok Web Service access". For "Description", put "Role for anrok to access the Web Service". Click on "save".
3. Find the row for "Accounts Receivable" and click on "Permissions". Find "Permission" on the top right, and click "All". Click on "Save".
4. Find the row for "Order Entry" and click on "Permissions". Find "Permission" on the top right, and click "All". Click on "Save".
5. Find the row for "Contracts" and click on "Permissions". Find "Permission" on the top right, and click "All". Click on "Save".
6. Find the row for "Process_Queue" and click on "Permissions". Find "Permission" on the top right, and click "All". Click on "Save".
7. Click on "Save"
Part 2: Create a new Web Service user
1. In the main menu, go to the "Company" tab. Go to the "Admin" subtab. Click on the plus button to the left of "Web Service users"
2. Fill out User Information.
- User ID: "anrok-web-services"
- Last Name: "Web Services"
- First Name: "Anrok"
- Email address: (any email)
- User type: "Business"
- Admin privileges: "Off"
- Status: "Active"
3. Go to the "Roles information" tab. Add the role that you just created in Part 1:
4. Click "Save"
You will receive an email containing your password afterwards. Please note it down.
Part 3: Add Process_Queue permissions to all users that create invoices
- Navigate to "Company" -> "Admin" -> "Roles"
- For each role that creates invoices, click "Subscriptions"
- Click "Permissions" for "Process_Queue"
- Check "All"
- Click "Save"
Congratulations! You have now finished the configurations on Sage Intacct and collected everything you need to get integrated on Anrok. Let's go to the last step and get integrated!
[Things to note down]
- Please note down the the company ID you used to log into Sage Intacct. You can note down something like "Company ID: xxx" to keep track of it.
- Please note down your user ID and password. You can note down something like "User ID: xxx" to keep track of it. If you chose to create a new Web Service user in the steps above, this will be your Web Service user ID and password. If not, this will be the user ID and password that you used to log into Sage Intacct.
Step 5: Enable sales tax subtotal on Sales Invoice
Navigate to "Order Entry" -> "Setup" -> "Transaction Definitions"
Click "Edit" on "Sales Invoice"
Under "Accounting" section, check "Enable subtotals" if unchecked
Select "Sales Tax" subtotal template
Description: "Sales Tax"
Subtotal type: "Charge"
Value type: "Amount"
GL account: "Tax Receivable"
Apportioned: unchecked
Is tax: unchecked
**Optional steps to take if you want to add tax as a line item, as opposed to adding tax in the subtotal section**
Feel free to skip this part if you want tax in the subtotal section. Example:
If you want to add tax as a line item (see example below), you will need to carry out the following optional steps:
Optional Step #1 - Create an Sales Tax Item
- In the main menu, go to the "Order Entry" tab and click on the plus button to the left of "Items":
- In "Item type", choose "Non-inventory"
- In "Item ID", put down a name (for example, "SalesTax"). This is what is going to show up in your future invoices as the tax item. Note down the Item ID
- In "Name", type "Sales Tax"
- In the "Inventory" section, choose a GL Group that you think your sales tax should belong to. If you don't know what an GL Group is, choose one that you deem the most relevant. Please note it down
- Click on "Save"
[Things to note down]
- Please note down the the Item ID you created in step 3 of this section. You can note down something like "Tax Product ID: xxx" to keep track of it.
- Please note down the GL Group you chose in step 5 of this section. You can note down something like "GL Group: xxx" to keep track of it.
Optional Step #2 - Configure Contract Invoice and Sales Invoice GL
- In the main menu, go to the "Order Entry" tab and then go to the "Setup" subtab. Click on "Transaction definitions"
- Find the line that corresponds to Contract Invoice. Click on "Edit"
- Go to the "Posting configuration" tab. In the "Transaction posting AR account mapping" section, make sure that there's a row where the "Item GL Group" is the same as the "GL Group" you obtained from the last section (Step 3). If not, add a row, where:
- For "Item GL Group", choose the GL Group from the last section.
- For "Debit or credit", choose "Credit".
- For "GL account", pick an account that you deem most relevant for your company.
- Click Save
- Find the line that corresponds to Sales Invoice. Click on "Edit". Repeat step 1) through step 4) in this section, this time for the Sales Invoice row.
[Things to note down]
- There's nothing to note down for this section.
Final Step - Enable the Integration on Anrok
- Go to
- Go to the "Data Sources" tab
- Click on "Integrate system":
- Choose "Sage Intacct"
- Open your notebook and type in the information you recorded in the previous steps.
- For "Tax Product ID", just enter "Tax ID" if you didn't do the optional steps above. If you did take the optional steps above, enter the Tax Product ID you created.
- For "Entity ID":
- If you want to connect to all the entities in your Sage Intacct account, leave it blank.
- If you want to connect to only one entity, enter the entity ID of the entity that you wants to connect to. You can find the exact entity ID if you go to "Company" --> "Setup" --> "Entities" in Sage Intacct:
- Click on "Connect" after you input all the information.
- Assign tax configuration to all of your Sage Intacct products so that Anrok can process them correctly
- Continue to import all of your previous Sage Intacct transactions if you wish to. Doing so allows Anrok to calculate your historical liabilities and determine if you are already exposed for some jurisdictions.
- Click on “Complete” after the import finishes
- Congratulations - you are now connected
Note: once you get to the final step of Import transactions, you can now go ahead and delete the information you collected in the previous steps. All of those information are retrievable so we recommend deleting them for security purpose. However if you decide to keep them, we recommend that you store the information somewhere safe :).
--- Attachments ---