Submit an existing sales tax registration


If you have already registered for sales tax in a jurisdiction (and are currently remitting sales tax) before onboarding with Anrok, you must reflect this existing registration information in Anrok. Having this information reflected in Anrok will ensure that you remain tax-compliant and maintain your tax collection responsibilities. It will also help you avoid penalties for late or missing sales tax returns and filings.



Submit existing sales tax account information

For any state where you have a taxable product and have an active sales tax registration, you need to initiate registration to provide certain information to Anrok to allow us to file on your behalf.

Try submitting an existing sales tax registration in the demo above ☝️

  1. In the Anrok app CleanShot 2023-07-20 at 12.02.21@2x.png, go to Jurisdictions. Take me there!
  2. Select the All tab, then select the jurisdiction with an existing sales tax account.
  3. Click Start registration, then under Registration details, confirm that you have an active registration in the jurisdiction.
  4. Provide the required information for Anrok to access your existing sales tax account (i.e. sales tax account number, login information, PIN, etc.), then click Save and continue
  5. Under Tax calculation date, select one of the following options:
    • Immediately after registration — Anrok will begin calculating tax on the same day Anrok obtains access to your existing sales tax account.
    • At a specified date — Anrok will begin calculating tax on transactions dated before or after Anrok obtains to your existing sales tax account.
  6. Under Tax collection method, select one of the following options:
    • Immediately after registration — Anrok will begin collecting tax from customers on the same day Anrok obtains access to your existing sales tax account.
    • At a specified date — Anrok will begin collecting tax from customers on a date after Anrok obtains access to your existing sales tax account. If selected, for any transactions that occur between your tax calculation date and tax collection date, you will be expected to pay tax on your customer’s behalf.
    • Not at this time — Anrok will not begin collecting tax from customers after Anrok obtains access to your existing sales tax account. If selected, for any transactions that occur, you will pay tax on your customer’s behalf.
  7. When you are finished, click Submit registration.


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Once you submit your existing sales tax registration in Anrok, our Registrations team will begin working to obtain access to the jurisdiction's existing sales tax account. Depending on the jurisdiction, Anrok may need you to link your existing sales tax account. Check your email for correspondence from, where we will let you know what action items you may have to access your existing sales tax account. See Linking instructions for existing sales tax accounts.

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