Register for VAT in global jurisdictions


If you are exposed_status_anrok.png or approaching_status_anrok.png in a global jurisdiction, you can choose to work with the jurisdiction's tax authorities directly and complete the VAT registration yourself (or with the guidance of a tax advisor).

Alternatively, Anrok has partners that provide registration support for VATVAT
A type of transaction tax levied on goods and services in more than 170 countries. Like sales tax in the US, VAT is expected to be paid by the consumer making the purchase.
registrations. These partners are familiar with the software and can be added to your Anrok instance to provide a seamless filing experience. You can submit this form
to kick off the process. Alternatively, 

Once you've completed your registration in the jurisdiction, you must reflect this registration in Anrok to begin tax calculation. See Submit an existing VAT registration.

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If you plan to enable VAT ID validation only, you are not required to register for VAT. You can always choose to register at a later date. See Enable VRN validation in global jurisdictions.

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